A LongRunningOperationJob might not necessary be designed to run as a SPJobDefinition timer job, although there's no reason you couldn't combine the two to provide more granular information than the _admin/ServiceRunningJobs.aspx page provides.
Some example code follows. Before running it, make sure that your site collection includes a list named 'Long Running Operation Status' at the root web. This list is created when you install the Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature at the Site Collection Features level. The list apparently isn't removed when this feature is uninstalled so it's not necessary to have the Publishing Infrastructure feature activated if you don't want it to be - just activate then deactivate it.
The Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing assembly can be found here:
%Program Files%\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin\Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal;
namespace DevHoleDemo
class Program
const string STATUS_LIST_NAME = "Long Running Operation Status";
const string PROGRESS_PAGE_URL = "/_layouts/LongRunningOperationProgress.aspx";
static void Main(string[] args)
string webURL = "http://localhost/";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(webURL))
using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
LongRunningJob longRunningJob = new LongRunningJob();
longRunningJob.Title = "Demo Long Running Job";
longRunningJob.TotalOperationsToBePerformed = 30;
longRunningJob.RedirectWhenFinished = true;
longRunningJob.NavigateWhenDoneUrl = web.Url + "/" + STATUS_LIST_NAME;
Process.Start("iexplore.exe", string.Format("{0}{1}?JobId={2}", web.Url, PROGRESS_PAGE_URL, longRunningJob.JobId));
LongRunningOperationStatus jobStatus;
jobStatus = LongRunningOperationStatus.GetJob(site, longRunningJob.JobId);
} while (jobStatus.Status != LongRunningOperationJob.OperationStatus.Successful);
class LongRunningJob : LongRunningOperationJob
public override void DoWork()
for (this.OperationsPerformed = 0; this.OperationsPerformed < this.TotalOperationsToBePerformed; this.OperationsPerformed++)
this.StatusDescription = string.Format("im in ur long running job, doing ur work {0} of {1}...", this.OperationsPerformed, this.TotalOperationsToBePerformed);
I've customized the newform.aspx of a calendar list so when the user clicks on the OK button some code runs (the code will copy the new calendar's event to another calendar).
Everythings ok with that, the only problem is that it can take a while to do everything.
I've tried to use your code to have a LongRunningOperationProgress.aspx page showed to the user will my code is running but I wasnt able to do that.
However I was able to test your code like you've showed on your post and it worked.
So my question is, do you know how can I use your code to have the newform.aspx redirect to LongRunningOperationProgress.aspx??
Thanks a lot.
I've posted a Part II to this post which shows the code running in an aspx page. The redirection in this case is handled by the SPUtility.Redirect method.
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